Fears & Phobias


Some Fears That We Can Cure

  • Spiders
  • Snakes
  • Fear of flying
  • Height Phobias
  • Agoraphobia
  • Claustraphobia
  • Fear of Germs
  • Fear of Dogs

The Key to Releasing Fears & Phobias FAST!

Take back Control now! It may be easier than you think...
When you book in for a session at Coast Hypnosis, you will be surprised at how quickly you can be free of those overwhelming emotions and irrational fears.
The Rewind Technique (also known as the Fast Phobia Cure) is a little known method that guides you to easily change the neurological pathway so you never have to feel that extreme emotional response again.
At Coast Hypnosis we get very consistent results and look forward to helping you too.  Contact us for more information, or if you are ready to free yourself of unnecessary limitations, book in now.


How do irrational fears work?

The brain has three distinct sections that correlate to its evolution. Effectively there is the Reptilian brain, known as the Amygdala; The mammalian brain—the hippocampus; and finally the newest and most rational brain known as the neo-cortex.
The amygdala's role is to alert us to danger and stimulate the body's 'fight or flight' reaction. Normally, all initial sensations associated with a threatening experience are passed to the amygdala and formed into a sensory memory, which in turn is passed on to the hippocampus and from there to the neocortex where it is translated into a verbal or narrative memory and stored.
When an event appears life-threatening, however, there can be sudden information overload and the sensory memories stay trapped in the amygdala instead of being passed on to, and made sense of by, the neocortex. While trapped in the amygdala, the trauma memory has no identifiable meaning. It cannot be described, only re-experienced in some sensory form, such as panic attacks or flashbacks. The rewind technique allows that sensory memory to be converted into narrative, and be put into perspective.
The Rewind Technique employs a relaxed and calm state coupled with a disassociation process to alter the relationship in the mind and body, and therefore the emotional response to the stimulus. This creates more useful links between the three parts of the brain for a more balanced and reasonable response.


Can it really work that quickly?

When these techniques were first being explored, it followed a different model to what had preceded it. Instead of looking at the problem as it exists, the pioneers of this technique studied people who had debilitating fears and phobias and then somehow managed to overcome them.
They then modeled that behaviour and refined the method with testing and trialing. What we have now is a very elegant technique that is not only very efficient and effective, but also one that can be done quite quickly and without having to re-traumatise the client unnecessarily.


The Rewind Technique

The Rewind technique is a non-intrusive and highly effective method for de-traumatizing people and is very effective for removing phobias and extreme fear.
Simply described, the technique works by allowing the traumatized individual, whilst in a safe relaxed state, to reprocess the traumatic memory so that it becomes stored as an 'ordinary', albeit unpleasant, and non- threatening memory rather than one that continually activates a terror response. This is achieved by enabling the memory to be shifted in the brain from the amygdala to the neocortex.


Contact us now to discuss your particular issue and find out how quickly we can help you resolve that limitation,